To create the look and feel for the film that we are currently making for the charity Voicing CSA, we first we gathered a lot of reference imagery that evokes a similar tone. Then we used that imagery, plus the stories we heard as we researched the subject to create the treatment. The next stage of visualisation is concept art: images created to define how key scenes from the film will look.
Frame one: We want to start the audience off with a light, happy feeling; the hands protecting and nurturing the mouse as they play together. The music will be quick and light hearted as the mouse scampers around freely, and the voice will be encouraging and supporting it.
Frame two: Before too long, the audience should pick up on a more sinister tone to the voice and actions of the hands. It starts to restrict the mouse’s freedom and manipulate it both physically and emotionally.
Frame three: The mouse breathes heavily, as the world shatters around it. Shards of glass lie all around, as the voice tries to bring the mouse back onside – but now that the mouse has realised the truth of the abuse, everything sounds hollow and fake.